The Ecumenical Tale That Man Is God
Many well intentioned, sincere, dedicated Christians become discouraged owing to a lack of victory in their lives. They know about the armor of God and are eager to uphold the cause of Christ. Yet, despite their own best efforts and the advice and encouragement of religious leaders, they feel more like Don Quixote rather than the valiant heroes of faith mentioned in Hebrews 11. Too many true believers invest the majority of their time and effort in this cause or that, aligning themselves with some new spiritual movement or getting involved with some sort of “Christian” social commitment. This is all part of an age-old ecumenical lie that is loosely known as Mythology which harkens back to a time before the Great Flood when half-man and half-angel ‘bullies’ known as Nephilim terrorized the whole inhabited world demanding that its people follow them in their fight against each other to gain control of this World. To do this, it was required that the aspiring Nephilim cast the true God out of this world so that Man and Angel (Satan, particularly) could rule this world themselves. In this false religion of mythology Satan was willing to share power with the human creature, so long as he was the absolute Supreme leader of his amassed army of ‘gods’. This alliance would be created by their ‘coming together’ in a united conspiracy against God. Herein lays the essence of all the mythologies of the various religions and societies of the earth. It is a hierarchy of men and women posing as gods under the lordship of Satan. It has been promoted ever since by the clever rouse of religious ecumenism, a plan devised by Satan using his angels even in the pre-Flood world. The scheme was carried over into the post-Flood world by one of Noah’s three sons, Ham, who passed it on to his son Cush who became its high priest. Cush taught it to his son Nimrod who ultimately carried out the conspiracy to usurp the throne of god and rule the world militarily and religiously. After God stopped Nimrod at Babel, the mythical religion lived on in every resulting civilization up to and through the advent in the world of God’s Son when it came to rest in of all places, the Papacy in Rome. And, from there, as they say, the rest is history.
Corruption Before
The use of corruption in this on-going conflict of the ages, this assault of false religion on the whole earth in every epoch of our history is most powerfully exemplified by the Enemy’s introduction of mythology and the perversion of astrology as succinctly described in the book of Genesis, chapters 6-11. The references to the abominations known as nephilim (the fallen ones) or, better, to the rephaim (the dead, deceased ones) are to those weird offspring which the Bible calls “giants”, otherwise called “ancient men of renown”. These creatures were actually the product of some strange union between spiritual beings and human females! The Living Bible, in Genesis 6:4-5, describes this fatal conspiracy and far reaching phenomenon in this way:
“In those days [before the Flood], and even afterwards, when the evil beings from the spirit world were sexually involved with human women, their children became giants (nephilim), of whom so many legends (mythology) are told.
When the Lord saw the extent of human wickedness, and the trend and direction of men’s lives were only towards evil, He was sorry He had made them. It broke His heart.”
It is most important for Christians to appreciate this supernatural, demonic source of the world’s corruption and not attribute universal wickedness solely to man’s moral failure. If we take a close look at Isaiah 26:14 we encounter these same “giants” (rephaim). Here we see the awful implications of the existence of a supernaturally unique “mixed breed” These “giants” are neither fully angelic, nor are they truly human! They were the progeny of the fallen angels. As such: “They are dead, they shall not live; they are deceased, they shall not rise; therefore hast thou visited and destroyed them, and made all their memory to perish.”
Perhaps conclusion:
If we can understand the awful reality and the extensive implications of this early “battle” of the nephilim, then we can appreciate the absolute necessity of a universal flood to preserve the purity of the human race. God’s glorious plan of salvation applies only to fallen humanity; not to breeds or races that are purely the products of satanic intervention.
The wonderful Plan of Redemption includes human beings created by God and all animal, plant and inanimate beings that are truly “the works of His hands” and come under the purview of His redemptive powers. The doctrine of ultimate reconciliation, which teaches that Satan and his coteries will eventually be saved, is just as much a perverted myth as all the silly sagas of Mount Olympus; the fanciful deeds of derring-do connected to the so-called Greek and Roman “gods”. Scripture also reveals that another irruption or invasion of this same “spiritual wickedness in high places” occurred just prior to the call of Abraham and God’s preparations for establishing His people in the land of Canaan. When Satan discovered that Abraham was chosen the father of all believers and given the Promised Land Satan sent a deluge of “giants” to take possession, not of the whole earth this time, but mainly to occupy the land of Canaan. The Canaanites who “were then in the land”, as Genesis 12:6 tells us, were the same kind of “giants” as those before the Flood. They were also the descendants of fallen angels. They, too, were quite capable of completely corrupting the godly line of real humans that had come down from Noah. No wonder that God sternly forbade any intermarriage between His chosen people and this fallen race. How necessary it was for these “dead ones” to be removed by the sword of Israel just as the previous “giants” had been destroyed by the Flood! The Bible also describes some of the nephilim as beings of gigantic proportions (like Goliath) and capable of superhuman strength. Most likely, legends surrounding the stature and exploits of these “supermen” were distorted in transmission and formed the basis for the stories of mythology found in so many cultures but immortalized through classical education.
The battle was fought from the bunker of unity to defy the lordship of the true God. It was waged in the fields and plains and mountains on earth where the Nephilim conducted their ongoing war assault and relentless campaign of terror. From the stormy clouds of heaven Satan, as ‘prince of the power of the air’ Ephesians 2:2, waged war on God by defamation, deception and outlandish blasphemy by way of fable and creating a false religion that both he and man as his subordinate, were lords of this world. The hierarchy of the subordinates was always shrouded in mysterious vagueries. It was waged first before the Great Flood by the Nephilim on earth; after the Flood it was resurrected by men, specifically by Nimrod, the first builder of empire and one whom Satan subsequently used by deifying him as his protege and “son”. As time went on the names of the cast of mythological gods would be called by different names in their various local mythological systems according to their local language. By way of local folklore the stories and myths would change, but the conspiracy to oust God and replace him with Satan and man would continue as a constant theme.
Before the Flood the conspiracy was perpetrated by the Nephilim alone, but when his bullies were drowned in the Flood, it was necessary that Satan resort to using one of the three sons of Noah to resurrect the mythology rouse. To this end he used the Ham’s line, his son Cush and grandson, Nimrod. Cush apparently was schooled in the occult mysteries including mythology, astrology and the black arts of fortune telling and calling upon spirits. Cush’s son Nimrod was the mentor of Cush and builder of the empire who became the man who was its king and priest subordinate only to the omniscient authority of Satan who was recognized as the one and only God of the religious system of the devised mythology which supposedly ruled in heaven and earth. Satan was the mastermind of the wickedness (on both sides of the Flood) conspiring to control the minds and hearts of man, stating a case for his lordship over the entire earth, ever claiming his omnipotence, fabricating false gods, promoting the lies of false religion through the cleverly devised combination of myth, legends and folklore. From these he melded the fundamental mythology which has served as the basis for all the variegated mythologies that have ever existed in primitive and modern civilization throughout the world.
After The Flood
Ham had taught the rudiments of the occult (‘hidden’ knowledge’) to his son Cush who by it engineered this virus of false faith and belief and injected it into the social fabric and government of the post-Flood new world. This conspiracy, this profound lie of false religion is the embryo of the elixir that spawned the life of all false religion since. This original Satanic ecumenistic thrust is occult. The strategy sits at the root of every civilization that came into being since the dispersal of Man after the universal Flood. Today it serves as the basic theology for Rome and the Papacy. It was the basis for Chaldean and Eygpt’s religions. Greece developed the mythology into a such an art that set man up as the genius and savior of the world. Rome used the mythology to anoint itself absolute dictator, the emperor, god on earth, the one that ruled the world with an iron fist.
Nimrod’s was the first monarchy, and the first to successfully unite the people of earth into one harmonious, though oppressed, group under his claims of being a divine god. This Chaldean religion was part of the militant strategy devised by Satan and his antichrist spirit which possessed Nimrod to demand that all earthly loyalties be conceded to the god of this world and to him as a Man. All military force, political persuasion and religious spiritual delusion was ceded to him as god’s represntative on earth. For their part, Satan and Nimrod had to convince the people that the true God was not to be trusted, that Jehovah-God was incompetent, vengeful and evil; that he had wiped out the world before and he would do it again. Satan had already laid the groundwork for a system of mythology where man himself would become a deity with everlasting life with the power to overcome God himself, but God in his jealousy had washed it away. So now he and his conquerer, Nimrod, would restore what Jehovah had destroyed.
Babel’s Mythology Basis For All Other Mythologies
Working from the excavations and archaeological finds of his brother Henry in Babylon, Emile Botta at Nineveh, and others in the Middle East during the first part of the nineteenth century, George Rawlinson wrote a detailed history of the five great original monarchies of Chaldea, Assyria, Babylon, Media and Persia. From the archeological finds Rawlinson was able to make a detailed record of the first and original mythological system that existed in Nimrod’s Chaldean empire. He wrote:
“The worship [in Chaldea] was grossly polytheistic. Various deities, whom it was not considered at all necessary to trace to a single stock, divided the allegiance of the people, and even of the kings, who regarded with equal respect, and glorified with equally exalted epithets, some fifteen or sixteen personages. Next to these principal gods were a far more numerous assemblage of inferior or secondary divinities, less often mentioned, and regarded as less worthy of honor, but still recognized generally through the country. And finally, the Pantheon contained a host of mere local gods or geneii, every town and almost every village in Babylonia being under the protection of its own particular divinity.” Rawlinson’s Ancient Monarchies – Five Great Monarchies – 1870
Rawlinson was somewhat confounded by the sense that the mythology was a mix of what he called monotheism and atheism. The seeming contradiction, however, is not that baffling upon reflection. Satan, as an immortal god, is first and head of the system, ruling over it as its creator from heaven. The next in the pantheon are mortals, Nimrod his wife and child, not gods to begin with, but by their heavenly exploits saviors of mankind; that is, gods to be immortalized humans eternal now, identified with the stars and the planets because of their mastery of the occult, their loyalty to the Deity and their insubordinate spirit toward the Creator. As Rawlinson goes on to report:
“It must be noticed that the religion was to a certain extent astral. The heaven itself, the sun, the moon, the five planets, have each their representative in the Chaldean Pantheon among the chief objects of worship. … but the astral element is not universal, but partial; and that, even where it has place, it is but one aspect of the mythology, not by any means its full and complete exposition. The Chaldean worship is far from being mere Sabbateanism – the simple worship of the “host of heaven”. The aether, the sun, the moon, and still more, the five planetary gods, are something above and beyond and beyond those parts of nature. Like the classical Apollo and Diana, Mars and Venus, they are real persons, with a life and a history, a power and an influence.” (Ibid}
Rawlinson declared that these were not mere metaphors of nature and heaven, but their striking resemblance with the other classical mythologies of Greece and Rome and the rest of the world more than suggest that these earliest systems have their roots in the real life exploits of actual people of legendary status.
Triads of Three Gods Model for World Religions
The archeology of the nineteenth century proved beyond all doubt that at the top of this Chaldean Pantheon stood a single God who was called Ra, the supreme god which was actually Satan. The fact that little is known about this God makes sense because Satan in drawing man to himself in the ecumenical conspiracy has wanted to stay under the radar preferring that the head man-god of the pantheon of gods rather be in the limelight. Staying in the shadows, Satan is content to be the power behind the ecumenical throne, subtly working to push God aside and eventually out of the hearts and minds of the peoples of the world. To complete the ouster of God and thus taking over the world by stealth and false religion it has been imperative for Satan to somehow promote Man as an immortal god himself. Once established as true religion From Satan could then control man’s religious thought and impart a devilish faith to them, concerning not only life on earth but in the hereafter as well.
To initiate his master plan Satan used Cush and Nimrod to set up a prototype ‘triad system’ of groups of three-gods each. These triads of gods would become the basic model for all mythologies the world over. These triads amounted to nothing more than cheap imitations of the tri-une nature of God Himself – the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Each triad added up to an aspect or aspects of god. Each triad of gods had its place within the overall hierarchy of the pantheon of gods. At the head was a male father, then a feminine and lastly an offspring. The Father and the female had their own special powers and their own subordinate responsibilities. The gods were often in conflict with one another just as mankind. The offspring of the male and female often had some special purpose or prophetic meaning that pointed to some hope or some kind of judgment toward the sphere of power and the particular theology of that particular triad. It all amounted to a very loose knit, if at all knit, religious system covering the gamut of human affairs on earth. Each triad had its own devotees. It could be as a whole triune or a singular aspect of the triad. It was a religion of all anthropomorphism, each god having human characteristics and human behavior such as jealousy, love, hatred, pain, joy, competition, deception or guile. They might provide a curse for one’s enemies, hope for the future, charms for advantages in business, advice or potions for matters of the heart, means to worship or help deceased relatives, or a means to win the favor of Ra himself. A god might cast spells for good or evil. With proper devotion, a god, as a triad whole or an individual might be able to grant success, or induce disaster. No matter, these were the practices of the occult taught by Cush and Nimrod that men had to learn through religious devotion. The gods were not to be trifled with, they were to be respected and negotiated with, wooed and dealt with craftily. That was the wise way to practice religion. If we were to be like them, so they were like us also, with the same flaws. They were ones that could provide hope and salvation and by fate they could allow love or revenge that amounted to something so profound as life’s victories as well as its losses and its defeats. They could protect and they had power to forgive. They could help those they took a shine to; and they could also humiliated and destroy those who crossed them. It was all the lie of Satan and his conspirators Cush and Nimrod. The gods admired the crafty, the designing rascal, the subtle and the strong and the ones with the manipulator’s spirit. The gods expected that people should manipulate others and that those who connived their way through life’s many deadly trials would somehow receive a vague but rich reward – of some sort.
Ra was unique as the supreme god. There were many levels of these triads, some of the first order some lesser, but all were in subjection to Ra who was the god at the top and the only one that singular one who was not part of a triad. He was solitary, absolute, all-knowing, mysterious, unknowable and omnipotent. He was the one to be feared above all else. People were expected to be glad that they did not know him for he was to be dreaded and feared above all else.
At the top, immediately below Ra, was the one triad to which all the other triads and gods were subject and by whom the peoples of earth would be able to come together to worship Ra and his prime triad of the father, female and their offspring. This is the universal reality of all the mythologies since the dawn of mythologies in Nimrod and his wife Semiramis. Satan, evil genius that he is, did not rely on the unsubstantiated rumors and metaphysical quibblings of religious minded men that flounder around in the winds of shifty popularity and have their bogus spiritualism quickly whisked away into thin air.
For the cause of unifying mankind, Satan recruited some of his own rebel angels to become Nephilim; those angels, as the Bible records, who took on human flesh and cohabited with mortal women of the human race. Their progeny are those god-men immortalized by the mythologies of the various ancient world religions. The same suspects, under different names, shows that this conspiracy had a central fountain that was spread around the globe after God scattered mankind when He broke up the rebellion at the Tower of Babel in 2500 bce. No matter where the various races and lands of new tongues were the basis of the religion of man as god was the same. The legends of Babylon, India, as well as those native nature worshippers of the Americas, the tales of gods among the Norsemen and Goths, the beliefs of African chieftains, the ancient priesthood of the Egyptian pharaohs, Phoenician despots and the classic poets of Greece and Rome all have the same basic mythological tradition and hierarchical system: a supreme male god, a wife or consort and offspring that have some connection of birth with mankind. North, South, East and West over the globe, in every corner, at the base of civilization everywhere, sits the worship of Satan and man who is made into to an immortal god. It is a perversion of the truth of God and His Son, for the author of this blasphemous counterfeit religion is Satan himself, the one who was God’s principle and most powerful creation who was overcome by personal pride and betrayed his own maker.
The Nephilim are the fathers of those man-gods. Here is the manger of the birth place of the successive mythologies so immortalized by the incomparable Homer and the rest of the genii of the Greek poets. Perseus, Hercules and Achilles are just a few of those legendary demigods, true figures though shaped in religion’s history by shameless folk-lore and outlandish exaggeration, but who were nonetheless real by some other name perhaps, children of both angels and humans in the distant and obsure past. They were progeny of actual heavenly beings that left their state of creation to lay with the “the daughters of men” so that humans and angels could be one, united in their cause against God.
Originally these half man, half angel demigods were the rulers and champions of the adamic world until the Great Flood swept them away. But the religion created did not die with them.
The Great Flood had wiped out the initial ecumenical revolution by the death of every man, woman and child and imprisoning those wicked angels in Hell who had so rebelliously taken on human form and their nature.
It was not only some of the angels who had so fantastically sinned. All of earth’s subjects had taken on the behavior and spirit of the Nephilim angels, those who had defied God and had conspired to make a coup against His lordship over the Earth. At first God was inclined to wipe out everything and start over somewhere else, for God will never take away one one of the primary gifts He has given to both man and angel – Free Will. God, however, decided not to abandon His quest to create a perfect creature through Man when He found one man named Noah, one who had been true to Him in every way, God decided to continue on with His plan and give sole possession of the Earth to Man. God assured Noah that He would not destroy the Earth, and that someday Man would receive it as his own possession. So, Noah, with his three sons and their families crossed over into a new beginning. Noah’s heart was perfect and God promised that the redemption of the Earth and Man would come in the due course of time. Even still, all was far from perfect.
Knowledge of the fallen angels that took on the form of human beings and co-habited with the ‘daughters of men’ is generally confined to the Jews and Gentiles who have learned and studied about it in connection with the auspices of studying the Bible. Most nations and religions of the Middle East also have some understanding of the origins of ecunmenical religion (that is: bringing the world under a spell that Man is God of this world) through their acceptance of the history of Nimrod in particular. Today still, Nimrod is widely revered in name and legend as a hero descendant of his grandfather Ham and father Cush. It is with this cursed lineage of one of the three sons of Noah that the ecumenical conspiracy of the Nephilim to bring the world together under the lordship of united Man was resurrected and honed to a perfect religion that lives on in spirit, and even grows stronger than ever before, today.
Conspiracy: The Tower of Babel
After the dispersion at Babel, each of the newly hatched civilizations spoke of their gods and hierarchical religious systems with different names and traditions. Though the ideals and assertions of belief were still the same, only called by different names due to the different languages which God had imposed on Man in order to break up the ecumenistic revolution that Nimrod had deployed at the Tower of Babel.
Written by Terry Myers Smith and LeRoy Gardenier
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