Is Libya Heading Toward Its Place In The End-Times Drama?
Colonel Muammar Gadhafi claimed the revolt in Libya was being engineered by foreign powers, in particular Al Queda. In his speech at the time, he declared he would poke the agents of revolt in the eyes with two fingers. Just because it sounded more like Mo threatening Curly than a strategy to put down a revolution the world could not dismiss Gadhafi as a clown. No one should have been deceived by this mad genius, or minimize his profound effect on world politics and movement toward fulfilled prophecy over the last four incredible decades of his rule. He was a fox if ever there was one. He and his brood of children did not go quietly into the gentle night like the 82 year-old Mubarak did within a couple of weeks of pressure in Egypt. For Gadhafi, it came about by violence.
Gadhafi was one of the great Machiavellian minds of the modern world because he was not driven exclusively by wealth, thirst for power, or show of righteousness. He was a pragmatist driven by fanatic idealism and that made him different from most politicians. He hated the Jews with a psychopathic passion and was determined to “push them into the sea”. Everything about Gadhafi had supernatural overtones, including his superior political intellect, driving passion for defiance of the western imperialists/colonialists and his diabolical, innovative risk taking, possessed, by the way, of only the greatest Antichrist type generals.
This is the man who as a mere captain in the Libyan army at the age of twenty-seven engineered the coup that dethroned King Idris. Gadhafi Bio For more than a year he hid from view and set up councils and such that governed benignly. At the right time, a quiet purging began and all those who opposed his will were slowly, methodically, arrested and killed, banished, or imprisoned. And he was suddenly the head of the People’s Council and the author of a Mao-like Green Book that outlined his unique socialist philosophy of government which was implemented over the course of the following five years.
He almost pulled off uniting Syria, Egypt and his country into one nation in the 1970s, until Sadat balked at the last moment. It kept Libya out of the loop during Egypt and Syria’s attack on Israel in ’73. If Libya’s forces had been part of the attack it may have opened up another front in air land and sea that could have been insurmountable and the war could have turned out differently. But it was the hand of Providence that actually undid the unholy alliance that Gadhafi had masterminded because the time was not yet right for Egypt and Libya to join forces against the Antichrist Empire.
One thing has been proven over the forty years of his rule in Libya: it has been prophetically significant and God has used Gadhafi’s regime to further prophecy not only in the Middle East, but in world politics and to further the formation of the Ten King Kingdom that will give the coming Antichrist a dais from which he can dictate his terms to the world.
Eventually, Libya will hunker down as part of those nations called the King of the South which are in opposition to the Ten Kings New World Order led by the Antichrist and his final world-wide regime. Look for Libya’s movement toward isolation from the bulk of the international community, probably hand-in-hand with Egypt and its cohort of nations.
There are a number of scenarios that could bring this about. Further, it seems that Libya will also have another prophetic role to play in a sudden unannounced attack on Israel which is yet to take place in the near future. Circumstances in Libya are probably working to reposition Libya on the world stage to free her from all vestiges of colonial dominance or fear so that she can oppose the unity of globalization for the Antichrist Kingdom and to be a part of the supernatural attack against Israel that is entirely frustrated by God as reported in Ezekiel 38-39. It is too early to tell how God will bring it about, but even without Gadhafi, Libya is heading for the last roundup and its two final roles to play on the prophetic stage. Clearly, Gadhafi was used to bring Libya to its current place, prophetically.
Muammar Gadhafi, the once avowed cunning mortal enemy of the Great Satan, the man wholly responsible for giving the order to take down the plane at Lockerbie Scotland and for bombing the disco in Germany, played the game of kiss and make up with the United States, just prior to the revolt in Libya. The U.S., like a whore-monger was complicit. President G.W. Bush climbed into bed with the cunning Colonel because it suited each leader’s political purpose. Bush needed Gadhafi to turn over his weapons of mass destruction to prove he was right to worry over Saddam Hussein’s Iraq as a nuclear threat to the world-wide community of nations. Gadhafi just needed America off his back and to let him keep a grip on power at home. If he could get protection in turn for helping work the mass destruction scam, all the better.
Gadhafi got his wish when President Obama snuggled up to the colonel as recently as 2010 when he had Secretary of State Clinton, receive Gadhafi’s son in full regalia at the White House. Mrs. Clinton spoke publicly and very glowingly about the Gadhafi government and how she hoped this was the beginning of a new working relationship.
A paltry few days after Muammar Gadhafi called for all Arab nations, even those in the throes of revolt, to join in a war against the United States and Israel, he found himself threatened by a lethal uprising of his own, defending himself from his own Muslim people. They were tethered, beaten and downtrodden by a brutal master. As we watched it unfold, we could not help but notice the scores of people dodging bullets and the yellow hats swinging clubs with one hand and rifles over their shoulders with the other, and have a cell phone at their ear. Through modern technology, the people have been and are in touch, and can devise strategies and plans. Initially, he clung to power only by cunning management of brutal force and the thuggery of well-paid mercenaries employed to repress the ill-armed rebels. But in the age of social media, the rebels were able to organize to depose Gadhafi, and eventually assassinate him and his sons.
We became exposed in more ways than one. We proved too impotent to help either side by supplying military help or diplomatic coercion. While lives were lost, Americans became at risk and people were fleeing in terror. Meanwhile, the U.S. stood by as their president continued to talk to the world and congress like a vice-principal at a Junior High Assembly. Under the breath we hear whispers – ‘when will he stop talking‘.
The helpless rhetoric was not lost on the Arab world, Islam, the EU, the rest of Africa, China, or anywhere that an international diplomat sat watching, tweeting, and tapping. The days passed and America twiddled its thumbs, ignoring pleas from the American Embassy for coverage and support in an unstable and volatile situation. The Government failed to protect their own diplomats by Obama’s oblivious approach, of trying to minimize the gravity of the building revolt. The little that was done, kinda’ appeared to be in Egypt, after the fact, and was not likely to and hasn’t instilled a desire (for whatever government that emerges in these revolutionary countries) to hop back into bed with a lame provider/protector like the USA.
Economically, the United States goose which laid the golden egg (the U.S. dollar) can be smelled roasting in the oven. It’s just about done. Politically, the revolutions in the Arab Islamic world are firing successive nails in her political coffin like a mad carpenter running amuck with a fully loaded nailgun. U.S. power is dying and it is not likely that Egypt, Libya, and the rest of the gang will return to being Barbary States living as welfare states under the watchful eye of the floating atomic arsenal of the U.S. war machine.
All have oil, and Egypt has the Suez Canal. What these revolutions hold in common is that they all have a hungry new generation of energetic Muslim souls who think they want to try to fit political freedom into the framework of righteous Muslim law. The only problem with this new supposed hunger for freedom is that Islamic religion and history offers no suitable provision or model for western brands of political freedom. The task before them is to reshape the faith in tandem with the new politics.
Obviously, the West and its freedom is born out of a Neo-Christian society, not Islamic. In the eyes of the new Arab/Islamic generation, colonialism did not produce freedom, but only oppression and tyranny. Inherent in the change that is coming, is rejection and resistance to the domineering Christian West as modern Islam inevitably must perceive it. The rest of Africa’s forty-odd nations will not follow the Arab/Muslim UMA states because they are already rooted in western ‘democratic’ style governments with a tradition dating back to colonialism. We are talking about the revolution that is happening in Islam across northern Africa and the Middle East, and which could reach into Asia as far as Pakistan, but not into other global locations.

Since 1960, for fifty + years, the Organization for African Union has been beating the drum for the eradication of all effects and powers of colonialism on the continent. While the rest of the continent has struggled to keep ties with the West and entered into bargaining agreements which they think are of mutual aid to all parties, the Northern Arabs countries (UMA, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, plus Mauritania) have taken a more defiant and aggressive stand. Eventually Libya will hunker down as part of those nations called the King of the South which are in opposition to the Ten Kings New World Order led by the Antichrist and his final world-wide regime. Look for Libya’s movement toward an isolated place, probably with Egypt and its cohort of nations. There are a number of scenarios that could bring this about. Further, it seems that Libya will also have another prophetic role to play in a sudden unannounced attack on Israel which is yet to take place in the near future. Circumstances in Libya are probably working to re-position Libya on the world stage to free her from all vestiges of colonial dominance or fear so that she can oppose the unity of globalization for the Antichrist Kingdom and to be a part of the supernatural attack against Israel that is entirely frustrated by God as reported in Ezekiel 38-39.
Enriched by the jingle of oil in their pockets they have found engines for their traditional bold exuberance for warfare. It should not be believed that the domino revolutions will produce anything but a wiser, more independent brand of defiance issuing from an educated, youthful and vigorous generation that feels ‘grifted’ by western colonialists who helped depraved monsters and thieves stay in power, and who in turn kept the bulk of their common subjects mired in poverty, filth and fear.
It is likely this will lead to the coming out party for a new Northern African Confederacy, which is likely to include (in the end at least Ethiopia and maybe Somalia) and an ensemble of Middle East Islamic countries.
The western press has labeled the rebels, as in all the recent revolutions in Arab Islam as mere protesters. It dresses them nicely as peaceful innocents, even though all of the revolts from Tunisia to Iran have been anything but peaceful because they have issued ultimatums to the ruling powers. In each country, the swelling anger against the oppressive American and European backed regimes has boiled over at times into reprisal and even murderous violence. And who can blame the mobs of protesters for turning into killers under suffocating regimes like those who have left violent blight and suffering on the people Libya, Iran, Tunisia, Bahrain, Jordan, Iraq, Egypt, etc.
It should not surprise the follower of prophecy, with Arab Spring that Libya had a civil war and is currently splintered into a disorganized nation, with a government in disarray and without a strong leader. Libya is crying out for some leader, quite possibly to align them with Egypt and the other kings of the south yet to emerge in opposition to the Antichrist when he steps on to the global stage.
We wait – We watch.
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- The Science of Prophistory - January 17, 2021
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