God is in Control of World Destiny
The first principle of prophecy’s implementation is that God is its sole proprietor. All matters are in His exclusive control, subject to His minute timing, not just to the day and hour but with precision, down to an exact tic on the second hand of the Greenwich clock. Satan can only try to confuse God’s plan in the mind and the individual perception of man, but he can never undo or change destiny because it is written in heaven by the hand of God Himself. The Devil can only sow doubt and confusion, though he still holds on to his obstinate belief that he can somehow subvert God’s purposes which lay at the heart of His plan for the creature called Man. God has predestined by prophecy that the world will eventually be under the iron control of a vicious autocrat, the ultimate Antichrist, who will enthusiastically seek to purge the whole earth of anyone who does not bow to his every word and literally worship him as its god. God will allow this ultimate blasphemy only under the constraints of His exact timing and subject to His preordained stipulations.
Satan is a desperate general. He is assaulting the Plan of the Ages with all his most carefully crafted lies, in any way to subvert God’s Will, to obscure it behind a veil of benevolent sounding phrases with words like freedom, liberty, and justice for all. He has the brilliant minds of this world reassuring us that Man is good and that Man can save the planet and its people from starvation, overpopulation, evil government, war and revolution, injustice, plague, even natural disaster, and death itself. He works hard to make himself invisible, staying out of the limelight, content to be the power behind the throne. He tries to make God’s plan appear foolish by tricking the world into believing lies that merely feed their own fanciful ideas and fantastic hopes that Man is capable of anything and, if cooperation reigns world-wide, that Man can and will save himself. He has been working diligently in modern times to kill any faith in God and mock anyone who believes that god even exists. By these attacks, he hopes to stave off the inevitable or at least disrupt or upset its timing. He is trying to implement his own plan to build an Antichrist world, a universal Nimrodic order with himself sitting atop the tower, so that he can install the ultimate Antichrist without the world and its people realizing what is truly going on. He is, of course, a master tactician himself. He is engaged and fully committed to using all his weapons of stealth and deception which are the father of all lies’ stock-in-trade.

For now, until the Antichrist’s unveiling in the middle of the Tribulation, Satan wants to keep people in the dark; the world must not know or perceive what is really going on. He never wants us to be able to pinpoint his position. He prefers that we do not even know he is stalking us with all his forces. This is a difficult task for the Devil and his hoards because the world has been educated about the Antichrist, even though it is riddled with fable and nonsense. This too has been a strategy well employed by Satan who has thrown so much disinformation and confusion into the knowledge of the Antichrist, from making it foolish to making it preposterous, that it has served his purpose to cover his true intentions. Satan is content for now to be the power behind the throne and to keep the real identity of Antichrist Spirit shrouded in humanism and benevolence heaping up words and promises of brotherhood, equality, liberty, dignity of man and freedom for all, like a politician running for office.
God allows this deception to be perpetrated because the world does not want to hear the truth and wishes to be lied to, as long as it gives them license to continue in the pursuit of selfish lusts and desires. Installing the Antichrist on the throne of the world as its god, and keeping his dark face hidden behind a soft, supple mask of phony munificence is no easy task, even for the original conductor of the music of a sweet sounding lie. Such subtlety requires supernatural craft and trickery kneaded into an argument as only evil spirits can do, with ruse, sham, pretext, fraud, and slick words that magically cast soft obscuring shadows effectively over the minds of the faithless dupes of this lost and deceived world. Propaganda in the media and sciences are just two of the methods employed on a large scale by Satan who deftly uses it to dumb down the spiritual knowledge and awareness of all Mankind. By these forms of propaganda Satan jerks the world around making it naïve to the truth, turning them into sophisticated idiots, able handlers of even the most bald-faced of lies. This assault on all spiritual truth and even the knowledge of Man concerning the very existence of God is one of the reasons for prophecy and why God so often chooses to have it fulfilled in a supernatural and utterly shocking way so that it catches even the very elect by surprise. It sheds light on Satan’s grand ruse and shines light on Hell’s flooding propaganda as it overflows from its open sewer.
When prophecy is being ‘processed in the field’ (I mean, in a state of action as it is being fulfilled) as it is with the ancient kingdom of Egypt and the revolt that erupted without notice like a dormant volcano that suddenly spews fire and ash a mile high, it tells us God is still master, that Hell’s propaganda is just that, a brainwashing brimstone with deadly sparks and clouds of ash and burning lava-lies that suffocate faith and kill the knowledge of truth in the spirit. Conversely, it tells the faithful that God’s master plan of redemption is on target, still on schedule according to His plan which was well formulated to the finest detail, even before He spoke the world’s first atom into existence. He knows the end from the beginning, the beginning to the end, and everything between, and there is nothing that the alliance of Satan and unbelieving Man can do to prevent its flawless, perfect fulfillment.
But this is not to say that Satan, the father of all lies, isn’t up to the task of deceiving the world. The world will follow him and his Antichrist into perdition. They will be fully deceived, thinking that Satan and Antichrist will be able to save them from God’s vengeance for all the evil that they have proclaimed and propagated. This Antichrist power to deceive is just one of the reasons why Jesus commands all those serious minded end-times believers to keep their eyes peeled on prophecy and to “Take heed to themselves and see that you be not deceived.” Satan goes around not only as a lion seeking to devour whomsoever he can; just as often he comes as an angel of light, or with a clever story from the minds of seducing spirits.
The end-times is more than just a battle of wits between God and Satan, this is a no holds barred steel-cage fight to the finish, and Satan is pulling out all stops. In these last precious moments before the Rapture of the Bride, Satan wishes to drag her down and debase her with confusion and dashed hope and faith. Satan hates the Bride of Christ perhaps as much as he hates God and His Son, Jesus Christ, because the Bride and Christ are one. Satan rightly discerns them as one and the same and he hates both with a passion. Therefore we should watch and pray and take heed that we be not deceived, for God has told us His plan from beginning to end. The Bride will patiently wait for each rising instance of His plan’s unfolding. Only then, when it is unfolded can we confirm in our heart that this is prophecy being fulfilled. We can know what will happen, but we cannot know how it will happen until it bursts forth into the light.
The shocking occurrences in Egypt in January/February 2011 are a perfect example of how prophecy unfolds and that the knowledge of the ways and means of the details of its unfolding is in the exclusive possession of our Father in heaven. So then, we must be patient and always exercise that other great command of faith concerning the Rapture which is directed at the end-times saint, in particular The Bride, we must hope and anticipate, believe and walk in holiness, and we must – WAIT!
- The Invitation - January 17, 2021
- Is The Arm of God Too Short? - January 14, 2020
- You Must be Freed from Occult Past - October 2, 2017