An End Times Prophecy to the Evangelical Church – The Mailman Prophecy
In the fervor and intensity of the Charismatic Movement in the Christian Church of the 60s and 70s (We now know historically to be the fulfillment of the prophecy in Joel.) an event happened, ordered by God the Father by way of the Holy Ghost. A nobody, who was a mailman by occupation, but unlearned in Scripture and very shy and unskilled at public speaking delivered a powerful prophecy to a large gathering of ministers, who were seeking to unify their various congregations without any controversy. However, God had a very different plan to unfold before these church leaders, to inform them that their ideas of unity were not approved by Him and that they portended a very bad future for the Church. The organization established by the various churches would lead to judgment and a large falling away from the Faith.
The prophecy was delivered as a kindness to those present so they could avoid the coming judgment, and hold on to the faith they did have, in defense against the coming darkness. Larry Tomczak, who was a prominent writer and preacher in the Charismatic evangelical circles, had come into possession of a recording from this Presbyterian Minister’s conference in North Carolina and was led by God’s Spirit to share the events recorded of that evening at a weekend convention called Jesus 73. It is a very powerful message of events that would begin to unfold and fulfill the prophecy given, less than 10 years later.
Larry Tomczak
However, that was only the beginning of the impact on Christ’s Church. It heralded new corruption that would eat away at the powerful move of the Holy Ghost in the Charismatic Movement of the time. The erosion and falling away of Pentecostal believers (those baptized in the Holy Ghost) would continue on to these present end times in which we are currently living, resulting in the fulfillment of the Laodicean Church, Jesus rebuked in Revelation. We see this Church today, thriving and in love with this present evil world, and they will join with the coming “One World” system of the Antichrist. This account and the transcript of the powerful prophecy, along with a report on the fulfillment are presented to the reader to warn and inspire believers to rise above the Church of Laodicea and its false unity to realize a real unity with Jesus Christ and his chosen faithful Church, Philadelphia, who will be his bride.
Tomczak’s Introduction

Aug. 1973 Larry Tomczak – I’ve come to the decision as I stand before you that it is God’s will to share this with you tonight. I’d like to give you some background on this. And then ask you to consider your place in the body of Christ, tonight. And how when we leave here in 3 days we’re going to go out and claim these promises that will be prophesied and will inspire everyone in our midst.
Now last month there was a conference. It was a Presbyterian Conference, held in Montreat, North Carolina. There were almost 3000 people there, a large majority of whom were ministers. I don’t know how many of you are here from North Carolina tonight. Is anyone here from North Carolina? And at this conference, beforehand, word went out, “Let’s not have it too charismatic. We don’t want to be offensive in any way.” The idea was to subdue things somewhat.
Now things progressed during this conference until the second last night when George Otis, a spiritual businessman, got up. He had a prepared message to give. Before he gave his message, somehow that still small voice from within spoke to him and told him to change that message and give his testimony. The testimony is the most powerful weapon we have. In Revelation, it says, Satan the accuser is defeated by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony. George Otis got up and gave his full testimony. How he came to Christ, was filled with the Holy Spirit and how God has revolutionized his life. Somehow the message dealing with the Charismatic Movement began to permeate the people’s conversations, all of the next day. And the next night, a prophecy was given to those 3000 people at this Presbyterian conference. The man who gave the prophecy was a rural mailman. Not a priest, not a high official in these churches. A rural mailman who was very introverted and shy, who never really got up and spoke before live groups and churches. Who never really gave his testimony. And yet, a week before this Presbyterian conference this man said he had a dream. This man had a dream in which he saw himself getting up and prophesying to these 3000 people in Montreat, North Carolina.
It shook him up so much that the next morning when he awoke, he decided he was not going to go near that conference. But you know, God isn’t mocked. And God’s purposes are accomplished. And that very day in the mail, this man received a ticket, anonymously to that Presbyterian Conference. This rural mailman went to the conference, and at the end of the evening, when the last minister had delivered his speech, there seemed to be a heaviness in the air, and all of a sudden this rural mailman, who had never gotten up before, stood up and gave forth a prophecy. I heard this prophecy on cassette tape. I was in the home of the editor of Logos Magazine, the largest Charismatic Publication in the world. Jan Malachuck had this tape and played it of this conference and the prophecy. I don’t believe it was an accident that Jan gave me a written copy of what was said there. And I believe that God wants it shared here at Jesus 73. And I am going to ask you to listen like you haven’t listened yet today. Jesus said; he who has ears to hear, let him hear. And I’m going to ask, no matter where you’re at right now, that if you’re walking around back by the tents if you’re just talking with some people, that you listen. Because it’s not Larry Tomczak speaking. Jesus said; he who receives you receives me. He who does not receive you does not receive me. And he who does not receive me does not receive the Father.
I’m going to ask you to listen and in accord with God’s Word, test all prophecy, weigh what is said, but I believe God is saying something very profound to us. In these last days in which He is raising up an army, and it seems he’s doing it outside of the institutional church. Wherever you’re at, listen to this prophecy that was given to 3000 people in Montreat, North Carolina, on July 2, 1973. And listen to what God is saying to us. Please, let’s be silent on this and listen to what God is saying. Where you’re at now would you please sit down and let’s have silence and listen to our Lord and test this prophecy.
The Mailman Prophecy
Montreat, North Carolina July 1973 – “Come even now, each one of you. My children, you have asked me to speak, and you have asked me to come, and I come not to instill fear in your hearts. I speak not through this filthy rag to bring glory to men, but I speak now as I have spoken in the past days many times through my servants and through my prophets. HEED YE THE MESSAGE OF THIS HOUR! HEED YE THE MESSAGE OF THIS HOUR! Know ye that I do call thee into reconciliation, but I do not call ye unto reconciliation to the world, but reconciliation unto my body, my body, you are a portion of my body. You must realize that you have no corner, that you are joined together with many others that are around this world, and yea, my children even though I love thee dearly, I would rebuke thee. I would rebuke thee for the applauding and the worship of idolatry. Yea, even that idolatry is being found in institutions, even that idolatry and that worship of idolatry can be an emotionalism of men standing before thee.
My children, I have spoken to thee through my Law, I have spoken to thee through my Word, HEED THE MESSAGE! HEED THE MESSAGE, and COME TO ME, COME TO ME, as I spread a table before thee, I seek that ye might come. I send an invitation to thee and know ye that there will be many that will come with you, and they will come without their institutions, but they will come with one label, with one label, that label will be written in my blood. It will bear the name of my Son! My children why do you put up barriers, banners, boundaries? Why do you seek to label my Spirit as I move about thee? Why do you seek to institutionalize to organize?
My Holy Spirit is in your heart, I anointed Him upon you. You would take Him and hide Him under a bushel. You would take Him and hide Him in the closet. You would take Him and run, and yea, I need a people that would shout from the mountain top. Even as this prophet has stood before thee in this pulpit under my anointing and said I will come. I will come to bring thee unto me. Know ye not that all will not receive? Know ye not truly that I am a God of love but a God of judgment, and my judgment must begin in my house? I have told you this. Why do you not believe that my judgment would begin in my house, and even as I call thee unto me, there will be many that fall away, and you know this is the truth even as I speak to you. I commend thee to receive the truth, to reject all lies, and be not deceived. My children pray much for discernment in these latter days, for there will come a false prophet, there will come, false teachers, there will come spiritual antichrists and even in this hour, the world moves towards that hour!
My children! I would say unto thee, in 415 weeks you can look to the city of the 7 hills, and I will show thee a sign, an unmistakable sign of this worldwide movement. It will have a false label upon it, will call itself church, and will be brought forth, and even as it brings forth it will stink. It will stink unto death because it was born in a coffin. In a coffin that had not my Spirit. My children, why do you circle around a coffin? THE STINK, THE STINK, drives my Spirit from thee. My children, I call thee to form no new organizations. I the Lord thy God am sick of the efforts of men and their wisdom in organizing new systems. I have only one body. You are born into that body if you have received my Son. Have no doubt that I will carry thee home if you have received my Son, but there is no other entrance, there is no secret gate. I declare it unto thee, even as you have heard the truth declared unto thee, there is but one way, and that way is of the cross. But OH! as you put the cross up in temples, the temples that I tried to tear down, and that I seek to tear down you insist on building, and even as the rocks in this place are stacked upon one another, so are the temples and synagogues around this earth.
I have told you to worship me in spirit and truth and that I would show you the way to do it, that I would give thee the gifts to do it. My children, I seek thee to worship me in spirit and in truth, tear down the veil that you place behind the cross. Why do you try to piece back my body as I broke it for thee? Why would you piece back my body? Why would you take my blood as I have given it to thee and pour it out on the ground that you might worship in idolatry? My children know I speak to thee, not to instill fear, not to drive you to the jungles, not to drive you to the caves, not even to drive thee to the hills where many of you proclaim that your help comes. Know ye not that your help comes from ME? In the person and the presence of my Holy Spirit!
My children, I speak not to thee that you might retire from the world. But that you might go into the world and invite the people in the highways and the by-ways to the table that I spread before thee. My honey has hardened. My milk is soured in the hands of men. I give thee in this hour a new honey, and it is the scroll of the Word. EAT YE OF IT! EAT YE OF IT! EAT YE OF IT! I give ye in this hour a new milk. That milk is my blood! Wash thee in it, duck under it, and when you come forth and hit the surface, shout praises and glory and honor! All that I have told thee in your closets, shout it from the hills, shout it from the mountains, shout it in the high-ways, and the by-ways. All that I have told thee in the secret places know ye that; TRULY I COME SOON! TRULY I COME SOON! Yea, I have told the Holy Ghost to work like He has never worked before. I have told Him to spread like He never spread before, the birth into My Kingdom! For I will have a feast, I will have a banquet for my Son, he will entertain, and if you would not come, others will!
My children, I have whipped thee because I Love thee. If I did not Love thee I would not chastise thee. If I did not Love thee I would not rebuke thee. If I did not Love thee I would not judge thee. You ask me to judge the world, you ask me to judge the people, you ask me to judge their governments, you ask me to JUDGE, JUDGE, JUDGE! And yet I have told you that judgment begins here, right now. I the Lord thy God WOULD GIVE AN ALTAR CALL OF ALTAR CALLS! Not ye that might flee, flee or run or jump or roll or swing from chandeliers, but stand and receive my Spirit to go forth from this place, and from this place, in worship, in praise and adoration, with a prayer upon your lips, and I will indwell thee, I will inhabit you regardless of where you are, regardless of what organization you belong to. Keep your eyes upon me and I will be your God, you will be my people.
Remember! 415 weeks and as this occurs, while most of you, most of you still have breath, you will know that all I spoke to you in this hour was the truth! And therefore be ye not deceived by the prince of this world. Be ye not deceived by the Antichrist! Be ye not deceived by the prophet, even, even if you would live to be in that hour. But know, and you will know the beauty of my glory. Not because of what you DO, but because you’ve come to ME. COME TO ME! COME UNTO ME! COME UNTO ME! Keep your eyes, keep your eyes upon ME! Keep them off of men! Keep them off of men! Keep them off of churches! Keep them off of governments! Keep them off of your enemies! Keep them off of all of those that despitefully use you. PRAY FOR ALL, while you look into MY EYES. Let me comfort you! Let me love thee! Thus saith the Lord; be not faithless, but believe!”
The Mailman Prophecy Fulfilled
by Eloise Gardenier
In the fall of 1973, my husband Roy and I heard a tape for the first time. By then, it had come to be called the “Mailman Prophecy.” That was due to its having been brought forth from the mouth of a shy and simple rural mailman. This took place at a Presbyterian conference in Montreat, North Carolina in July of 1973.
From that first time we heard it, courtesy of some new Christian friends, our hearts were pierced and we believed that this was indeed a message directly from the Lord. At that time, based on our understanding from the scriptures, the prophecy did not contradict the Bible in any way, and we found it remained true, even in 1988 at this writing. As we tried to respond to all the things the Lord exhorted His own to do in that Prophecy, we also began to wait with excitement for 415 weeks to come to pass. We looked forward to the opportunity to prove the Prophecy and in fact be assured that it truly was the Word of God Himself.
When my son, Terry, and his wife Joanne joined us and also became believers, and heard the tape, they too believed it was a message from God. We also shared it with others over the years as the Spirit-led. During those years of waiting, which figured out to be a week or so short of 8 years our excitement grew and mounted. The last few years of our wait was filled with many indications that we were not waiting in vain. Certainly not the least of these signs was the changes in the hierarchy in the “City of Seven Hills”, or Rome. In other words the changes in the Papacy. At the death of Pope Paul VI, his replacement John Paul I, ruled only 33 days and his death was questionable, to say the least. The one who followed him, was perhaps the most charismatic of all the popes to date. We watched with fascination, as he began to hopscotch about the entire world, charming and hypnotizing people of all kindred, tongues, nations, and religions including the heads of many nations. On each and every stop he began his “ACT”, his performance if you will, by kissing the ground. I began to be reminded of this from Revelation.
“And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.
And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, (the antichrist) and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.
And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,” Rev. 13:11-13
The chapter goes on to describe all the things this second beast will do and ends with;
“…the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number [is] Six hundred threescore [and] six.” Rev 13:18
It is my belief that often, the Lord forces his enemies to expose or identify themselves to God’s people. I felt his kissing the earth every place he went was a sign to us where he had come from (And I beheld another beast coming up out of the EARTH; and he had two horns like a lamb, etc. etc.) and who he really was. In that Prophecy describing the “false prophet” he had “two horns like a lamb” but not the real Lamb, only a counterfeit. It is the earth he really loves, not God, and wants to rule it. And he spoke “like a dragon” or satan. John Paul II hasn’t called fire down from heaven as yet or performed any of his false miracles, but in my opinion, he is very likely setting the stage, either for himself or his successor. As we watched these and other world happenings (among them the shooting of the Pope and his survival), our anticipation grew more and more intense. Then when we discovered that the time of the fulfillment was in fact, June 7th 1981 and that was Pentecost Sunday. I don’t have to tell you we could hardly contain ourselves.
On that day, we invited just about all of our Christian friends and acquaintances to a cook-out and to listen to the “Mailman Prophecy”. For some, this would be the first time they had heard it, while for others of us, one of many times over those eight years. I think the four of us may have secretly hoped that the Lord would bless us with some direct word of Prophecy from Him, as a follow-up, or to confirm the Prophecy and encourage us that our wait had not been in vain. However, as is often the case, the Lord didn’t work the way we expected Him to. To us the day seemed sort of disappointing. It looked, for the most part, to end up in just a social affair and picnic. A few did listen to the tape, and appeared somewhat touched. Others wouldn’t listen at all, still others left. One Christian, Terry had been sharing with at the place where he worked, confided in T at the end of the day that he was contemplating suicide. This really ended the day on a depressing note. We know for sure now, as we suspected then, Mark was just a ringer Satan threw in to try to discourage us and make all seem hopeless. Later the Lord spoke to Terry that he was to act as Mark’s father and literally take him by the hand and bring him to our fellowship, to have the brethren lay hands on him and pray for his deliverance, calling the spirits by name and commanding them to depart from him. We did do that, and he was set free from the spirits that had so long been possessing him. He was made whole, and even his countenance did show the change immediately. Even though he fellowships somewhere else, Terry has seen him from time to time and he seems to have kept his deliverance.
But back to the Prophecy! The Prophecy said “Look to the city of 7 hills.” not to 23 Cranberry St., in 415 weeks. Nothing significant happened here, at least we felt that at the time. The next day June 8, 1981 however, in the Boston Globe with an accompanying picture we read;
“VATICAN CITY- Pope John Paul II made a surprise address yesterday before an applauding crowd of 20,000 people celebrating Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica, near where he was shot three weeks ago. It was his first public address since the shooting.“I wanted to be with you, it is with great affection for all the faithful that I give the benediction.” The Pope said while leaning on the edge of a balcony at the back of the church for support.
His voice was tired but stronger than it had been since he was shot May 13 in St. Peter’s Square.
The Pontiff spoke briefly toward the end of the two-hour service marking the Pentecost. He wore red and white and a red sash trimmed with gold; his wounded left ring finger was still in a cast.”
“Minutes after the tape was played at our gathering, the Pontiff leaned out of the third-floor window of the papal apartments overlooking St. Peter’s Square to bless an exuberant crowd of 80,000 and recited the Queen of Heaven prayer with them.
The Mass inside the basilica was celebrated by 250 cardinals and bishops from around the world gathered for an ecumenical conference. Also present were church leaders from other Christian churches, including the Greek Orthodox, Lutheran, Methodist and Anglican.”
“In a 30 minute address to the prelates, who were holding vigil candles outside the huge cathedral, John Paul prayed in Italian:
“You, who are the first handmaid of the unity of Christ’s body, help us, help all the faithful who feel so keenly the tragedy of the historical divisions of Christianity, to seek persistently the path to the perfect unity of the Body of Christ.”
Remember, from the Prophecy itself; the Lord warns; “My children pray much for discernment in these latter days, for there will come spiritual antichrists and even in this hour the world moves towards that hour. My children! I would say unto thee, in 415 weeks you can look to the city of 7 hills, and I will show thee a sign, an unmistakable sign of this world wide movement. It will have a false label upon it, it will call itself church, and will be brought forth, and even as it brings forth it will stink, it will stink unto death, because it was born in a coffin, in a coffin that had not my Spirit. My children why do you circle around a coffin! The stink, the stink, drives my Spirit from thee, my children I call thee to form no new organizations, I the Lord thy God am sick of the efforts of men and their wisdom in organizing new systems.”
We believe the clipping from the Boston Globe on Monday, June 8, 1981 was without a doubt the sign promised to His church, through His servant the mailman in June of 1973. The Pope, his words and activities fit all the specifications. First of all, it took place in the city of 7 hills or Rome. He was to have gone to Switzerland for an ecumenical conference on that date, but due to having been shot he was unable to go. So he left the hospital only for a weekend and returned for further surgery. Let the doubter say no, but we believe the shooting of the Pope was more than a coincidence ——yes, quite providential. Because of the Pope’s inability to travel, some of the ecumenical conference came to him in Rome. Thus fulfilling the Prophecy. We know that this group is not the true church, but they certainly do call themselves church. On that day, in June of 1981, there was the sign that this world-wide movement was in the process of being brought forth. “The mass inside the basilica was celebrated by 250 cardinals and bishops from around the world gathered for an ecumenical conference. Also present were church leaders from other churches calling themselves Christians including the Greek Orthodox, Lutheran, Methodist, and Anglican.” The article goes on to talk about the past meetings in the establishment of “The Church”.
It also marked the 1600th anniversary of the Council of Constantinople and the 1500th anniversary of the Council of Ephesus, which defined some of the key doctrines forming the Theological basis of all major Christian churches.”“The Mass marked Pentecost, or Whitsunday, which commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles and the establishment of the church.
That statement is right in that these councils formed the theological basis, not Scriptural, for many so-called Christian churches. But praise God! They are not the foundation for the Bible-believing churches.
Consider what the prophecy said: Immediately after forewarning us of this unholy union and marriage, as a worldwide movement, and promising us a sign to recognize it, the Lord also gives us words of comfort. He reminds us that He has only one body, and that we are born into that body if we have received His Son. He reassures us that we need have no doubt that He will carry us home if we have received His Son, but there is no other entrance, there is no secret gate, there is but one way, and that way is of the cross. We are to worship Him in Spirit and truth and He will give us the gifts to do that. I believe this is a message to the Philadelphia Church of Revelation. (Read: Just Who Is The Philadelphia Church?) It is my hope that this clearly shows the fulfillment of the Prophecy in which the Lord placed a definite time period. We encourage the reader to read our other material available on the Philadelphia Church.
Upon more exhortation and encouragement God closes His word to us by reminding us again of the time period we had to wait for His sign to occur. Then again, we are cautioned: “And therefore be ye not deceived by the prince of this world, be ye not deceived by the Antichrist. Be ye not deceived by the PROPHET, even if you would live to be in that hour, but know, that you will know the beauty of my glory, not because of what you DO, but because you’ve come to ME.” Once more He calls us to Come to Him 3 times and urges us to keep our eyes off the things of the world. How I love the ending and have been reminded of it so many times over the years. How I do try to make this my way of life, as I wait for His coming.
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