The Drug Companies of Today are the Tobacco Companies of Last Century
Eli Lilly Co. (Prozac maker) senior VP and top gun lawyer, Rebecca Gross’s, statement that ‘There is no scientific evidence that establishes a link between Prozac and violent and suicidal behavior’, resonates with the deceitful verbiage shoveled at us by the likes of RJ Reynolds and Winston & Salem Co. over the last thirty-five years. There may be no scientific evidence of the laboratory kind Ms. Gross, but there is prevailing evidence of corpses falling along the highway of life and minds ruined forever locked away in mental institutions or specters of human beings pushing shopping carts toward cardboard hotels behind our nation’s shopping malls where no one can see.
Eli Lilly is not the face of all evil, however. The legal traffickers in drugs are not confined to one powerful company. The corporate banner from the 1950s of one of our large chemical companies has become a slogan more suited to describe what has become a national religion: ‘better living through chemistry’. Since the disaster of U.S financial ruin, chemical companies, especially drugs for consumption, have become one of the prime American bread winners, if not the prime money maker. They are now untouchable because of their economic value to the national and international economy. Doctors, now working for medical corporations and health plans are literally forced by employers to sell, even push drugs, or find themselves out on the street. What should be most alarming to Christians is that out of the 13 million souls (as of 2000) who have taken prescription Prozac, not to mention the even greater millions who are taking some sort of mind altering drug for manic behavior, bulimia, schizophrenia, obsessive, manic and bipolar disorders, etc. etc., many are Christians themselves. Sadly, they have chosen to rely on drug addiction rather than Jesus Christ, His Gospel and the Holy Ghost.
The American Psychiatrists Association has, one by one, diagnosed every, and all psychological problems as stemming from physiological reasons. All disorders are now attributed to either an imbalance of the bodies’ biochemistry or a genetic root. This in spite of the lack of scientific proof. If anything should be noted as being unproven and theoretical in the field of mental health this should be. There is no hard evidence to prove or support this wild claim. The myth of all mental problems stemming from genetic and biochemical reasons has, however, become a fact in the public’s mind, one as unshakable as the theory of evolution, and just as substantiated by true fact. Propagating this myth, however, suits the purpose of the APA, the medical profession, the drug companies and, most of all, the deceitful heart of man.
Economically it is good business for drug companies, the psychiatric and medical professions. Insurance companies more readily pay for physical disease and ailment, believing they can be objectively and scientifically diagnosed. Diagnosis of any mental disorder, on the other hand, is much more subjective and is open to immeasurable fraud. So then, one fraud is avoided to create yet a greater more devastating one. People are now being taught and convinced that problems with our minds are unavoidable and due to natural chemical deficiencies in the brain. Erratic and aggressive behavior, social deviance and abnormality, pessimism, violence and all other psychotic behavior, including depression, anxiety and thoughts of suicide are beyond our control and have nothing to do with our lifestyle, decisions in life or a matter of will. Translated, this means we are not culpable, there is no responsibility for the condition of our mind, no repercussions from the choices we make, no price to pay for the way we have treated others, no cost to our sin. In other words, there is no reaping what we sew. We are not responsible for our own acts. And now the heart of the Gospel about man’s condition, that he must repent, is gone. There is no need for repentance, because there is nothing to repent about. It ain’t my fault.
This is the bottom line and why drug use and blaming physiology is so wonderfully convenient for the human mind which wishes to be a vagabond on the trail of honest living. We can blame it on a genetic fault or screwed up brain chemistry. Either way, it is not our fault. This is what mind altering drug use says today. I am absolved. People can bury themselves in a hole of numbness; hide behind a rock of bliss. We believe we are justified in taking leave of our problems, so we take leave of our senses.
It is one thing for a person in the world to buy into this big deceit; the addiction is real and it is difficult to overcome once one shuffles into its lobotomy like trap. It is also understandable if someone comes to Christ but is already on prescription drugs to have to carefully, under a physician’s watchful eye, get weaned away from their toxic spiritual effects. But the growing numbers of professing born again believers who exchange the psychiatry of Jesus and the Holy Ghost and the Word of God for a script of mind candy is appalling and disheartening to the Lord.
But modern man loves this mind candy. Why didn’t we think of this before, they might ask? The reason is because Satan has reserved this mighty deception for the end times. It is an enormous deception. The whole world is being deceived by drugs. Ironically, it is not so much the street, illegal drugs. Not the heroine our daughters and sons experiment with, but the legit drugs developed by companies and universities. We are taking them to counteract a concocted mythological biochemical imbalance. In turn they cause what they profess to cure. The reality often remains: we still have problems. The bad relationship, the insecurity, and above all the sin. Many problems are caused by our misdeeds, our sins, and our ignorance, at the root, however, is our innate selfishness and madness for coveting. The Bible hits at the heart of the matter when it notes: ‘in [man’s] heart dwells no good thing.’ Pills do not dissolve sin or change the heart, they can only tamper with the mind to give us the false impression that things within us and within others are actually changing for the better. But sin always gives us bad inner feelings – as well they should – but we want good feelings so we can hold on to our self and keep our defective sin. Anything other than “hedonism of mind” is taboo today. Pills can do the trick. So we sell our souls like Esau did for a little pottage, a little vial, a little try at a new script. So some fill their bellies, some quench their appetite, some sooth their soul and alter their brain chemistry instead of the set of their heart. And then what? Will we be able to find repentance then, or shall we seek it with many bitter tears and not be able to find it. What then? Reach for another brown plastic vial?
- The Seduction - January 17, 2021
- The Science of Prophistory - January 17, 2021
- The Road To Philadelphia - January 17, 2021