Prophistory: The True Empirical Science
– All meaningful history is
nothing but prophecy fulfilled.
– Prophecy yet to be fulfilled is
history just waiting to happen.
The sciences (study or discipline) of Prophistory and Sociology are alike in some ways. They are sciences. They both have an end goal in mind, which is the creation of a perfect society. Unlike Sociology however, which is concocted out of the mind of man, Prophistory emanates solely from the mind and by the hand of God. Unlike the goals of Sociology, which is to make the perfect social environment for Man according to Man; Prophistory is the promise of God that the perfect solution to Man’s dilemma of living together. It comes forth from Him and will be instituted only when His Son Jesus Christ returns to earth to establish that perfect and just society on earth among men. This society is rapidly coming and will shortly come into its own Utopian reality under the headship of the perfect one who has proven his love for us. Unlike that perfect thing which is quickly approaching, Sociology could never realize a Utopia, too many necessary elements are out of man’s province and control, as all attempts at Utopia have ended in frustration and defeat, often in shame and disaster. Prophistory is the study and verification of the coming true Utopia of God and all elements which oppose it shall be put away under his command on earth. Prophistory is the logical and scientific study of the veracity of Bible Prophecy as it heads toward this Utopia which the bible discloses through its prophecies from the beginning in Genesis to the end in the Book of Revelation.
Simply stated, Prophistory is history divided into two simple divisions: things that have already happened and history that is merely waiting to happen.
1. On the one hand, all meaningful history (by meaningful we mean history that is worth isolating and keeping for utilitarian knowledge so it may be analyzed for importance and truth) is prophecy which has been fulfilled and therefore points to the fact that unfilled prophecy will be fulfilled in its proper time and circumstance.
Such fulfilled prophecy is historical evidence that God lives and is the designer of all things including both mankind’s destiny as a whole as well as each individual’s personal destiny. This meaningful history may range from mere scraps and antidotal history to personal antichrist careers. It includes histories of dynastic reigns and whole epics of empire; social movements that lead to significant change in the minds and hearts of man’s political thought or social devices; it could be a technological innovation or series of innovations like the Industrial Age; or the rise of any and all of a new or old science as in the Renaissance or Enlightenment; the development of a philosophy like humanism, a false religion or creed like Communism; shifts in moral outlook and behavior, discoveries, explorations, inventions, or the increase of knowledge in any and all realms of education affecting the meaning of words, knowledge, travel or understanding.
2. On the other hand, Bible Prophecy yet unfulfilled, or in the process of being fully fulfilled is also meaningful ‘history’, because it is nothing more or less than history which is merely waiting to happen.
Therefore Prophistory can be summed up in these two principal statements.
1. All meaningful history is nothing but prophecy fulfilled.
2. Prophecy yet to be fulfilled is history just waiting to happen.
Prophistory is the main science and principle of Theo-Sociology. All of mankind, the whole world and every culture that has ever been or ever will be are subject to Prophistory though man and its society fails to recognize it, let alone abide by it. Our persistent ignorance of this makes it nonetheless true. Because the blind man cannot see the sun, makes it no less true that the sun shines. The blind man must take another’s word for it that it is the sun and its warming rays that warm him. And though he must take the word of another that it shines, he does not have to take anyone’s word for it that he is feeling warmth for this he experiences on his own, only his senses are needed to verify its truth. If a person cares to, there is ample evidence by experience of the warmth of God upon the heart and soul for anyone to deduce on their own that God is and that he rewards them with knowledge and warmth even if they have not yet seen the light. It is a matter of sound reason to accept the self-evident truth. Prophistory allows us to not only experience with our senses and by knowledge the existence of God, but by it we can come to the light and see into the darkness. Prophecy fulfilled is empirical evidence that warms the soul and raises my dead spirit to new and inexperienced realms of light. Prophecy in the throes of being fulfilled heats up my soul with anticipation and fills my spirit with light in which I may walk and not stumble. Anyone interested in the realms of God will enjoy walking on the road of prophecy, listening and learning in the school of Prophistory.
Entrance into this school is belief. Quickly, as the son shines and warms one can come to know that the explanation for what is known is to us what the sun is to the blind man, for there is no other explanation possible other than the son is shining upon them.
The science of Prophistory is the only explanation, the only credible answer. God is and that he is a rewarder of those that seek and acknowledge him. To begin with, we are blind. But God is in control of the affairs and course of humankind. Prophistory is the empirical science of spiritual matters. By Prophistory we are given sight to see the unseeable and by it we understand better the warmth which we feel.
God sits above and outside of time and space. We sit in our designated spot mostly alone, sitting wondering in our station in the timeline of history. But God sees history from the outside looking in. Man sees only the limited time and space to which he is confined. Subject to time we are subject to the limitations of duration, therefore we are born, we live and we die. We are locked inside the limits of a finite place that has a beginning and an end. God is without beginning or end because time and space are nothing more than his tools to turn us on a lathe that we might be made an eternal thing with him. By the power of Prophistory, because he sits outside of history looking in, God can release us from this confined space, take us outside those created tools of the dimensions of time and space, beyond the veil of this singular finite universe of his making. He is everlasting, not conformed to the limitations of beginning and end. Prophistory unfolds this boundless world for us and like a bird let go when can fly to different realms. His prophetic words are stories told by His prophets, like a playwright reading a script for the cast and then acted out before our eyes the audiences of life’s reality play that shows us the way to eternal realms.
But this is not only theatre, just for amusement or wonderment, left for us to interpret for our puny and selfish motives. It is to tell us the unvarnished and perfect truth of everlasting things; where pain and suffering is removed and eternal relationships of love and peace are kindled with joy in constant and eternal vigor and motion. Duration no longer exacts death, but life is established as victor once and for all and forever. This is Prophistory’s aim and its declaration. It is the simple, magnificent science of God and his bible. It logically establishes that he is and that he exists ‘outside’ of time and dimension of space in eternal realms unbounded. He looks with unbiased perspective on this moment in time, with the integrity and knowledge of the original empirical scientist. He sits on any point of the timeline of Man’s history he wishes. We are informed by him before it happens through the empirical means of fulfilled prophecy.
Obviously, no one could foretell the avalanche of simultaneous prophecies that have been being fulfilled in the 20th Century and are being advanced and fulfilled with increasing velocity at this time in which I write these words, except someone looking from an eternal perch outside of time and space.
By our understanding of this spiritual science we are freed like slaves not emancipated, but fully and finally manumitted. Free, as citizens of eternal realms. Prophistory gives us foreknowledge because it tells us the story of man from the beginning to the end. On our left is history, things past, fulfilled according to God’s promise; on our right is history also, history merely waiting to happen, poised and certain, though in the future, waiting to occur, maybe to erupt, maybe to quickly happen, or to quietly materialize, either way, it fulfills its predestined purpose in its prescribed moment – and we watch and wait – and know. It is history, meaningful and just waiting to happen, but history nonetheless.
Prophistory proves that all history with any substance and eternal meaning comes from the One who is outside time and space. 90% of prophecy (or better) has already come to pass. These are the ‘days of vengeance’ when all the paradigms are converging, coming to a boiling point and being fully and completely fulfilled.
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