Antichrist/ One World/ One World Economics A Word About The Shady Side of Money Terry Myers Smith 2 Kgs 4:1-7, Antichrist Current September 3, 2016
Antichrist/ Antichrist Character/ Military Man Football Player Stands Up For His Right To Kneel Down Terry Myers Smith Antichrist Current, Daniel 11:25 September 3, 2016
Antichrist/ The Ten Kings/ Confederacy The Big Three Hillary or Trump: The Evil of Two Lessers Terry Myers Smith Antichrist Current, Daniel 7:8 August 23, 2016
Antichrist/ The Ten Kings/ Confederacy The Big Three Confederation of The Ten Kings Terry Myers Smith Ezek 38 & 39, Dan. 7:24, Rev. 17:12 July 20, 2016
Antichrist/ European Union/ The Ten Kings Great Britain and EU are Two Distinct Antichrist Empires of The Ten Kings Terry Myers Smith Antichrist Current, Is 8:7-13 June 24, 2016
Phenomenon/ Lovers of Themselves/ Perilous Times First There Was Joe, Then Came Ali & The Mouth That Roared Terry Myers Smith Phenomenon History, 1Tim. 3 June 10, 2016
Phenomenon/ Influence on Society/ Sorcery of Drugs Death of a Neighbor Terry Myers Smith Rev. 18:23, Phenomenon Current June 6, 2016
World/ Pharmacia Sorcery/ False Religion Are Christians Selling Their Souls for a Little Prescription Pottage? Terry Myers Smith World Current, Rev. 18:23 May 9, 2016
World/ King of the South Competitor/ Opposition to Antichrist Egypt King of the South Terry Myers Smith World Future, Dan 11:40-45 May 7, 2016
World/ King of the South Competitor/ Opposition to Antichrist A Brief History of Modern Libya Terry Myers Smith World Current, Dan.11:40-44 May 5, 2016
Phenomenon/ Death and Deception/ Sorcery of Drugs Psychotherapeutic Drugs – Equals Sorcery Terry Myers Smith Rev. 18:23, Phenomenon History April 28, 2016
Antichrist/ USA/ The Ten Kings Who and What Raiser of Taxes Is: Last Empire Before The ‘Ten Kings’ Terry Myers Smith Antichrist Current, Rev. 13, Rev. 17:12 April 27, 2016
Antichrist/ European Union/ The Ten Kings Formation of EU Makes Europe One of Ten Kings Terry Myers Smith Rev. 17:12, Antichrist History April 26, 2016
Antichrist/ The Ten Kings/ World Organizations One Ruler, One Religion, One Economy, One Industrial State Terry Myers Smith Antichrist Current, Is 8:7-18 April 26, 2016
Antichrist/ European Union/ The Ten Kings The European Union Terry Myers Smith Rev 17:12 & 13, Antichrist History April 24, 2016
World/ As In Days of Noah/ The Faithful God’s Last Days Relationship With Those of Noah-like Faith Terry Myers Smith Gen 6:8-9, World Current April 16, 2016
Antichrist/ USA Raiser of Taxes/ Falls Not in Anger or Battle The Unrest That Will Never Be Put To Rest, But In Christ: 18 Months After Ferguson Terry Myers Smith Dan 11:20, Antichrist History April 11, 2016
Israel/ Exodus Out of the World/ The Return Exodus – And The Beginnings of Israel Terry Myers Smith Book of Exodus, Israel History April 1, 2016
The Seduction/ The World/ Religion End-Times Servants Must Go Thru The Fire Terry Myers Smith Rev 3:8 March 24, 2016
Church/ Philadelphia/ Philadelphians Overcomers End-Times Servants Must Go Thru The Fire Terry Myers Smith Rev 3:8, Church History March 24, 2016
Israel/ The New Temple/ To Reinstitute the Law The Life and Death of Josiah: God Always Keeps His Word Terry Myers Smith Israel History, 2 Kings 22 March 20, 2016
Church/ First Five Churches/ Overcoming in the Churches The Life and Death of Josiah: God Always Keeps His Word Terry Myers Smith Church History, 2 Kings 22 March 20, 2016
Church/ The Church and Tribulation/ At Christ’s Return Those Who Read, Hear and – KEEP – The Book of Revelation Shall Be Blessed Terry Myers Smith Rev. 13, Church Current March 15, 2016
Israel/ Antichrist Covenant with Israel/ Religion and Betrayal The Antichrist’s Unholy Union Terry Myers Smith Israel Future, Dan 9:27 March 15, 2016