The Seduction/ Ego/ The Flesh Our Ego Ought Not to Eclipse The Son Terry Myers Smith Jn 1:9 June 1, 1997
The Invitation/ Perfected/ Works of Brideship Our Ego Ought Not to Eclipse The Son Terry Myers Smith Jn 1:9 June 1, 1997
Israel/ Worship Dragon & the Beast/ Religion and Betrayal The Beast and The False Prophet: Rev 13 Terry Myers Smith Rev. 3:1-2, Israel Future November 1, 1996
Israel/ Antichrist Covenant with Israel/ Religion and Betrayal The Two Witnesses Terry Myers Smith Rev 11:3-4, Israel Future September 30, 1996
The Invitation/ Prepared/ Built Into Divine Nature Aren’t We Always The Last to Know! Terry Myers Smith Rom 7:8 July 1, 1996
The Invitation/ Born Again/ Sanctified Three Little Words Terry Myers Smith Matt 28:1-8 April 1, 1996
The Invitation/ Prepared/ Holy Spirit as Personal Guide Faith For the Gift of ‘Laying on of Hands’ Terry Myers Smith Heb 6:2 October 1, 1995
The Invitation/ Who and What: The Church/ Prepared In Search of The Church: Who, What, Where and How Terry Myers Smith 1 Pet 2 July 1, 1995
The Invitation/ Who and What: The Church/ Prepared The Church? Terry Myers Smith Eph 1:22-23 July 1, 1995
The Invitation/ Prepared/ Holy Spirit as Personal Guide/ On Way to Perfection Walking Perfect In The Spirit Terry Myers Smith 2 Tim 2:3 July 1, 1995
Church/ A True and Faithful Church/ Dismissed But Faithful Daniel Ch 10: The Single Greatest Prophecy of the Bible Terry Myers Smith Dan 9:24-27, Church Future May 13, 1995
The Invitation/ Prepared/ Finding Belief for the Rapture “How’s it Goin’”; said the Man to the Spirit Terry Myers Smith Gen 18:19 March 1, 1995
The Invitation/ Prepared/ Maturing in Christ The Seven Pillars Of Knowledge Terry Myers Smith Prov 9:1 May 1, 1994
The Invitation/ Prepared/ Perfected/ Finding Belief for the Rapture Judgment Day is Fast Approaching Terry Myers Smith 2 Pet 3:7-10 February 1, 1994
The Invitation/ Prepared/ On Way to Perfection Our Cross Means Denying Self Terry Myers Smith Matt 6:24-34 January 1, 1994
The Invitation/ Prepared/ Holy Spirit as Personal Guide The Holy Ghost is the Transformer and Power Terry Myers Smith Jn 14:26 November 1, 1993
The Invitation/ Sanctified/ Born Again You Can Have a Whole New Heritage in Christ Terry Myers Smith 2 Cor 5:17 July 28, 1993
The Invitation/ Prepared/ Maturing in Christ Heading Into Deep Water Terry Myers Smith Ps 107:23-24 June 1, 1993
World/ As In Days of Noah/ The Faithful Living By Faith Terry Myers Smith Rom. 8:28, World History June 1, 1993
The Invitation/ Prepared/ Dying to Self Jesus’ Testimony From The Cross Terry Myers Smith Matt 27:46-50 April 1, 1993
The Invitation/ Sanctified/ Principle Doctrines of Christ A Story of Two Fires Terry Myers Smith Lk 22:54-62 April 1, 1993
World/ Beginning of Sorrows/ Famine Pestilence Earthquakes Earthquakes Foreshadow Judgment of This World Terry Myers Smith II Pet 3:3-7, World Current February 1, 1993
Church/ Philadelphia/ Loved of God: Perfection I Am Crucified With Christ, Nevertheless I Now Live! Terry Myers Smith Gal. 2:20, Church Future January 14, 1993
The Invitation/ Prepared/ Dying to Self Intro to: Repentance from Dead Works Terry Myers Smith Heb 6 January 1, 1993