World/ Pharmacia Sorcery/ False Religion The Drug Companies of Today are the Tobacco Companies of Last Century Terry Myers Smith Rev. 18:23, World Current January 1, 2002
World/ Ezekiel 38 – 39/ Opposition to Antichrist Russia Once Again Gaining Position to Attack Israel Terry Myers Smith Ezek 38 & 39, World Future September 1, 2001
Church/ The Church and Tribulation/ At Christ’s Return The Book of Revelation is One of God’s Universal Gifts to Mankind Terry Myers Smith Church Current, Rev. 1 Thru 21 July 3, 2001
The Invitation/ Perfected/ Brideship and It's Fruits Glorifying The Great Gardener With A Cornucopia Of The Fruits Of The Spirit Terry Myers Smith Mark 7:20 June 11, 2001
Travel & Knowledge/ The Brain/ Exploration Heart Bypass Surgery Can Cause Brain Loss Terry Myers Smith Travel & Knowledge History, Heb. 4:12 February 8, 2001
Church/ At Christ’s Return/ The Church and Tribulation The Sun-Clad Woman: The Church of Christ Terry Myers Smith Church Future, Rev 12 January 3, 2001
Church/ Betrothal/ The Bride of Christ Christ’s Wife Busy Making Herself Ready Terry Myers Smith Church Current, Rev. 19:8 January 1, 2001
Church/ No Guile/ The Bride of Christ Wise Virgins Without Guile Terry Myers Smith Church Future, Rev 14:1-5 January 1, 2001
The Invitation/ Prepared/ Dying to Self Discipleship: Seeking God’s Righteousness Terry Myers Smith Matt 6:24-34 September 1, 2000
Antichrist/ The Ten Kings/ India - East Africa Are Kings of The East Uniting? Terry Myers Smith Dan & Rev, Antichrist History August 24, 2000
The Invitation/ Prepared/ Holy Spirit as Personal Guide How the Trinity Works Terry Myers Smith Eph 2:18 March 1, 2000
The Invitation/ Prepared/ Holy Spirit as Personal Guide A Vision of The Trinity Powerfully At Work Terry Myers Smith Eph 2:6 March 1, 2000
The Invitation/ Prepared/ Holy Spirit as Personal Guide The Gift That Keeps On Listening Terry Myers Smith Matt 7:11 December 1, 1999
Church/ Philadelphia/ Little Strength Just Who Is The Philadelphia Church? Terry Myers Smith Church Future, Rev 3:7-14 November 15, 1999
The Invitation/ Prepared/ Built Into Divine Nature God’s Love: A Temperate Balance of Truth and Mercy Terry Myers Smith Ps 85:10 June 1, 1999
The Invitation/ Prepared/ Built Into Divine Nature Temperance: Is Love’s Enabler Terry Myers Smith Rom 15:13-14 June 1, 1999
Israel/ Exodus Out of the World/ The Return The Miraculous Return Of The Jews Terry Myers Smith Israel History, Ezek 37 April 1, 1999
The Invitation/ Sanctified/ Born Again What is a Christian? Terry Myers Smith 1 Jn 2:6 November 1, 1998
Antichrist/ Ecumenism/ One World The Ecumenical Tale That Man Is God Terry Myers Smith Gen 6:4-5, Antichrist History September 1, 1998
The Invitation/ Prepared/ On Way to Perfection Always Seek The TRUTH Terry Myers Smith Prov 23:23 July 1, 1998
Church/ Philadelphia/ Philadelphians Overcomers Let No Man Take Thy Crown Terry Myers Smith Church Future, Rev 3:11 May 15, 1998
Church/ Purified Perfection/ The Bride of Christ The Bride in All Her Glory Terry Myers Smith Church Future, Rev 21:9-18 December 15, 1997
The Invitation/ Perfected/ The Bride and Eternity The Bride in All Her Glory Terry Myers Smith Rev 21:9-18 December 1, 1997
Church/ Faithful With Him/ The Bride of Christ The Faithful Get a Glimpse Into Eternity Terry Myers Smith Rev 21, Church Future November 1, 1997